Currant Pie

Looking for a simple but delicious recipe for weekend morning teas. We were privileged to try this old granny Quakers recipe earlier this week and it was a real hit.

This is all there is to it.

Puff pastry

1box currants

100 grams butter

100 grams sugar

1 egg

Bake 180 for 30mins

Cream butter and sugar add egg and fruit and let sit for about 10 mins then add to pastry and bake. This recipe is a real winner and very adaptable to other dried/preserved fruit in the pantry. I’m about to bake a version with dried rosellas and dried jaboticabas. Thank you to the wonderful Anna for this excellent way to turn dried fruit into something truly mouthwatering.

Thank you to Anna Wiliamson for this lovely recipe from her childhood.

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